Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Camp Reflections Part 4


     The Grand Slam that wasn't. One of the great/notorious plays/stories of this camp. A lot has been said about the Will Adkins shot. The hit itself was a thing of beauty. He said himself when he hit it, he didn't feel a thing. Perfect sweet spot contact. Once in a while when playing golf I know this feeling. As for the aftermath afterwards, it is what it is. I guess it will go down  in the Reds Fantasy Camp annals. My hit off Tom Browning by comparison is small potatoes. But it was still a great moment for me personally. Not just the hit itself,  but all the fouled off pitches leading up to it. I hope I can get that video. Speaking of videos my daughter Megan is really good at putting together and editing videos. I've asked her to work on the ones my wife Karen took at camp. So far no such luck. I showed her an example of what could be done with the proper motivation.......

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