Sunday, December 27, 2015

My New Toy!!!

Santa Claus was good to me! I received a Contour ROAM3 action Camera.  I broke it in at Miami Lakes yesterday! Here is a clip. Pitching to me were  Dick Durand, Jake Angne and Brian Cantwell.

I plan on using the camera as much as I can out in Goodyear. That maybe good or not so much?

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Mini Workout @ Great American Ball Park

One of the perks of going to Camp is the pre Camp mini work out at the Big Ball Park. This year my guest was my buddy and Billoney teammate Jeff Reiss. We also get a chance to talk to the head trainer Steve Baumann and take a Ball Park tour.

Yours Truly
Pano from The Press Box

Taking my cuts from the pitching machine
That thing was all over the place

Like the live pitching better

Marilynne Saliwanchik was the first on the training table for this year's camp. As she was the unfortunate victim of Rick Walls errant pitch. He of course will be paying the first fine of Camp's Kangaroo Court!
As you can see Marilynne is a Ball Player. I'm sure she will be fine!

Jeff think it's Bow Tie Saturday!

Nice Photo of my coach from '14

Press Box Damage

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Almost 2 weeks until Christmas and 5 weeks until Camp! Workouts at the Batting Cage

The Holiday season is upon us. Thanksgiving to me was a blur. Christmas and New Years will be no less. Then it's Camp time. I mentioned in a an earlier post about our workouts leading to Camp. Want to give a shout out to my Dragon teammates Ed Reynolds and Nick Benge for including me in their workouts at the Batting Cage in Erlanger KY. We've had some good sessions there. Thanks again guys!