Friday, January 31, 2014

Waste(d) Management Phoenix Open at TPC Scottsdale

Today is a "more" post. We flew out here a couple of days early to take in the golf tourney. That place is an absolute zoo! A party disguised as a golf tournament! The weather was a bit of a disappointment. Cloudy, cool, and windy. What can you do? It was great day nonetheless. They had over 123,000 in attendance for the day. Before heading out to Scottsdale, we swung by the Reds complex for a quick look see.

Fire Pit!

A brief trip to the Reds Complex first!

15th Hole

12th Hole

We have arrived!

Long day yesterday! Had some fun at CVG's TSA sercurity. Collecting my items from the bins my clear TSA approved zip lock bag filled with my camera and flash/SD cards and stuff was open. Unaware of this many SD card scattered all about. No worries!, I was able to collect them all! The flights themselves were uneventful, THANK GOD! The most fun was at PHX after we collected are luggage and trying to find our shuttle, I tripped over one of Karen's bags and took a tumble. Where is Satch's bubble wrap when you need it!!! I'm okay though, more embarrassed than anything!  The Hilton Garden Inn is nice but quiet so far. I'm sure the excitement will pick up by Saturday evening!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

It's time to head out West!

The first thing is I don't like to fly. I haven't flown in 13 years. I haven't had a need to. In fact the last time I flew was for work, a training class in downtown Manhattan.  Pre Nine Eleven. My hotel was directly across from the World Trade Center "Twin Towers". If the camp was still in Sarasota, I'd probably drive down. It is what it is. Hopefully the luggage doesn't  get lost! At least the weather shouldn't be an issue I hope. Besides all of that I'm pretty stoked for this camp. More later........

Bats Packed!
My carry on essentials.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Random Thoughts Part 6

     Another good workout at Gametime yesterday afternoon. Lots of long toss and infield. To say we are pumped for camp is an understatement. We all agree this time flew by, the workouts made it go that much faster. It was pretty cool when the workout ended telling everyone "See ya out there on Saturday".
     I'm going to bring Steve Ritchie's bats out to camp for him. I have plenty or room in my catcher's bag. Hopefully no one gives me any grief for supposed "sucking up" to a Hall of Famer".
     As I write this post it's 5 below zero. It's been a pretty cold snowy winter so far for the Greater Cincinnati area. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking this winter is going to make all the beautiful Arizona sunshine that much better!
     I'm not sure who is looking forward to this trip more, my wife Karen or myself. She informs me Sunday night she is already packed. We don't leave until Thursday afternoon.:)

Monday, January 27, 2014

Random Thoughts Part 5

     It's Monday morning, Karen and I fly out Thursday afternoon. Nervous excitement starting to creep in. Really looking forward to tonight's workout at Gametime, since we got snowed out of Saturday's workout at Miami Lakes. So last Thursday workout was the last time I swung  a bat at live pitching until Goodyear. By the way I made very solid contact with that  final swing as well!
       Last weekend I made a trial run with packing all my stuff. Sara's catcher's bag will work out nicely. Between that and my carry on I will be good to go. Leaving enough room for my uniform and etc coming home.
     I found a couple of nice video clips of the 2011 camp on You Tube recently.


Who will make this plaque this year?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Random Thoughts Part 4

     The Caravan is under way... Some folks in the media say the 2014 Reds "on paper" look weaker than the 2013 Reds....Of course they said the 2013 Reds "on paper" were stronger than the 2012 team. As we know the '12 Reds won 7 more games than the '13 Reds. So much for "on paper". Thankfully they play the games on the field than "on paper".
     Hopefully all my leg extensions, leg curls, bench presses, concentration curls, treadmill miles, bike miles, erg miles pay off in a couple of weeks. If they don't oh well! I know I will be sore nonetheless.

A scary moment last night at batting practice. Donnie Glass took one in the head. I hope he is ok. He's not called "Ice Pack" for nothing.

Speaking of that batting practice session, as I was driving to it in sub zero wind chill, I'm thinking by next week I should be basking in 80 degree sunshine!

I liked what Satch said after practice last night. By midweek of camp, "The iron in the blood will be lead in the ass"!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lunch at Ruby Tuesday

     I had lunch up at the Ruby Tuesday in Kenwood today. The camp guys do this once a month leading up to the camp. Obviously this will be last one for this year. Had a good turnout. Had about twenty so. Even the DL guys came Dick and Big Gig showed up. One of  this pro coaches was there, Joe Price . It was great to meet and talk to him. I got just of small taste of some of the pros stories/insight/opinion today. Those bull sessions/fireside chats will be very memorable. I am looking forward to those. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Gametime workouts

A few of us have been working out at the Gametime training complex on Mondays. It's a great chance for some long toss and some infield practice. Since they replaced the lights there,  the visibility has greatly improved as well as my fielding! A shout out to Donnie Glass. As I was trying to take some video, he was trying to hit me  with the ball. Thanks Donnie!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Random Thoughts Part 3 "42"

Today I had an off day in honor of Martin Luther King Day. I took my car up to my neighborhood Bob Sumerel service center to get the tires rotated and the oil changed. I can leave it there and walk back home. During the walk back home all I could do was think, don't fall on the ice and get hurt now! Need some of Satch's recommended bubble wrap, when I walk back up there.

Since it is MLK day, and I been watching my baseball movies now, I watched "42" this morning. Tremendous movie. The number 42 is justly deserved to be retired in all of MLB baseball. Jackie Robinson is a true American icon and hero.

I guess us camp folks will be watching the Super Bowl at the hotel bar that first evening after camp starts. Broncos vs. Seahawks. Should be a good one.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Another Saturday, another workout at Miami Lakes

It's crunch time folks! Two weeks to go! Two weeks to get ready for Baseball Heaven! It's hard to believe a bunch of my fellow campers and I  have been meeting at Miami Lakes twice a week for over two months now. I have really enjoyed these sessions. It's been great to get some swings in, but especially to meet some of my new friends. A side note: Satch Coletta recommends all of us wrap ourselves in bubble wrap for the next two weeks to prevent injury!
Tom Laux and Jeff Reiss taking hacks
Steve Martin awaiting my "stuff"!
Jeff takes a swing delivered by Steve Ritchie


Friday, January 17, 2014

Baseball Movie Montage

Had a some free time at lunch today, so I  pieced together some clips from the movies I mentioned in my post from yesterday. Some clips have some strong language, viewer discretion is advised.


Tim Farmer's Catcher Cam

Yesterday Tim Farmer and I were online chatting about various subjects, including this blog and what not.  The subject of his video clips of his catching came up. He was gracious enough to send me some clips of the Pro game of 2012's camp. Pitching to him was Pete Schourek.  Thanks Tim for sharing this.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Random Thoughts Part 2

     I been re-watching Ken Burns Baseball documentary. I haven’t seen it in years. I have a buddy who’s a Civil War buff who told me he didn’t care for his Civil War documentary because he considered it Northern biased. (My friend is from North Carolina.) That may be true, the Baseball documentary is definitely east coast biased. Of course due credit was given to all those great Yankee teams and Jackie Robinson and Branch Rickey. No problem with that. But when I reached the part of the 70’s and the classic 1975 series, it was more about Boston losing it than the Reds winning it. I do believe Ken Burns is  a New York  guy.

     Speaking of baseball viewing,  last weekend I started watching my collection of baseball movies. I usually do this in late March of every year to get up for the season. For some reason I’m doing this in January. I wonder why?  In no particular order, here are my 10 favorite baseball movies. Major League, The Natural, Field of Dreams, Pride of the Yankees, Bull Durham, Eight Men Out, Long Gone, For love of the Game,  The Rookie, It happens every Spring.
     I’ve using google maps street view to see my way around Goodyear and Avondale. It’s pretty slick technology. We will be renting a car that first weekend. It’s nice to be able to virtually “look around” the area.

     We have batting practice tonight at Miami Lakes. Looks like another adventure on the roads to get there. I do enjoy the practice though.  Middle of January and I’m  gearing up to “rake”!
     The main reason I’m doing this blog is to document this whole experience.  This may be the only time I get to do something like this. Also for my family and friends can keep track of my doings out in Goodyear.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Random Thoughts Part 1

With less than 3 weeks to go ‘til camp here are some random thoughts about this whole experience.

Last night at the Gametime workout fellow rookie Donnie Glass said that Saturday at GABP got him pretty psyched about the camp. I couldn’t agree more……

I’ve always looked forward to my vacations. Anticipation is half the fun as they say. Karen and my  trip to Maui for our honeymoon comes to mind. The first time we took our girls to Disneyworld was a great experience.  I distinctly remember as we walked in the Magic Kingdom and walking towards Main St. and seeing their faces as they saw Cinderella’s Castle for the first time. I will never forget that. 
But this Camp thing is something else. Part of me still can’t believe I’m going to do this. I guess this anticipation is much greater because I’ve been preparing for it for months. I’ve never worked out for a trip before.

It’s been great to meet some of my fellow rookie and veteran camp mates at these workouts.
As my man Satch Coletta said “The more camps I attend, it’s more about the friendships than baseball”.
I can see what me means. I’ve met a bunch of nice folks. I’m certain they will be my friends a long time.

Now with that said, the baseball is very important to me.  I haven’t played organized baseball since I was 13 years old. All my many years of softball do not count.  I know I won’t be the best out there. I know I won’t be the worst. I do know I will have a blast.  More to follow………

I just heard about Keith Adkins, I didn’t know him personally, but my thoughts and prayers are with his family.