Sunday, December 22, 2013

Back to the Batting Tee, Merry Christmas

Due to Holiday Festivities I couldn't attend batting practice sessions this past week. So out came the batting tee in the garage. I want to take this time to wish all my fellow campers and their families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Less than 6 weeks to Goodyear!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Santa visits Wendy's/Sad practice balls predicament!/Huge Baseball Memorabilia Score!

Another stellar batting practice session was held at Miami Lakes on Saturday. Sadly though it was determined my practice balls have seen better days. The decision was made (By Steve Ritchie) to retire them. Well I can still beat the crap out them from the tee! I will miss throwing the eggs to batters!
Steve wear red next time ok?
On a more positive note, Santa made a surprise visit to Miamitown's Wendy's for lunch. We campers couldn't resist having our picture taken with the Man! Thanks to Cheryl Summe for the pic.

On a even bigger positive note. I have obtained now a cherished possession! Satch Coletta gave me his 2013 Camp baseball card! My Bar just got better!
What could have this team done with this 3rd basement inserted into this lineup?

My latest item for Mike's Bar

A victim of Campers relentless pursuit of "Raking"!

Monday, December 9, 2013

December/Redsfest Update

I can't believe it's December already 2 1/2 weeks until Christmas and most importantly 54 days until Fantasy Camp! Early December brings RedsFest to the convention center. My wife Karen has never been to RedsFest. My Man Satch Coletta via Doug Rigenour set me up with some passes. Thanks guys! We had a good time. Looking forward to playing in the reunion wiffle ball game next year.