Sunday, December 27, 2015

My New Toy!!!

Santa Claus was good to me! I received a Contour ROAM3 action Camera.  I broke it in at Miami Lakes yesterday! Here is a clip. Pitching to me were  Dick Durand, Jake Angne and Brian Cantwell.

I plan on using the camera as much as I can out in Goodyear. That maybe good or not so much?

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Mini Workout @ Great American Ball Park

One of the perks of going to Camp is the pre Camp mini work out at the Big Ball Park. This year my guest was my buddy and Billoney teammate Jeff Reiss. We also get a chance to talk to the head trainer Steve Baumann and take a Ball Park tour.

Yours Truly
Pano from The Press Box

Taking my cuts from the pitching machine
That thing was all over the place

Like the live pitching better

Marilynne Saliwanchik was the first on the training table for this year's camp. As she was the unfortunate victim of Rick Walls errant pitch. He of course will be paying the first fine of Camp's Kangaroo Court!
As you can see Marilynne is a Ball Player. I'm sure she will be fine!

Jeff think it's Bow Tie Saturday!

Nice Photo of my coach from '14

Press Box Damage

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Almost 2 weeks until Christmas and 5 weeks until Camp! Workouts at the Batting Cage

The Holiday season is upon us. Thanksgiving to me was a blur. Christmas and New Years will be no less. Then it's Camp time. I mentioned in a an earlier post about our workouts leading to Camp. Want to give a shout out to my Dragon teammates Ed Reynolds and Nick Benge for including me in their workouts at the Batting Cage in Erlanger KY. We've had some good sessions there. Thanks again guys!


Friday, November 20, 2015

Comparing Expectations between 2014 and 2016 Fantasy Camp.

At this point two years ago I started attending the batting practice sessions at Miami Lakes and elsewhere. That is where/when I met some of the guys that would become good friends. The main reason those sessions were being held (besides the obvious baseball activity) was for us rookies to meet some of the Camp veterans and follow rookies before the actual camp, so as not to feel like a complete stranger by the time Camp rolled around. This was definitely achieved by me. I've guesstimated by the time we arrived in Arizona I met 25 to 30 Campers. That was pretty nice going into it. Also we rookies were told many stories about previous camps and what to expect going in. So my expectations were fairly high. So as you read in my previous posts, those expectations were greatly exceeded at the '14 Camp. So what do I expect at the 2016 camp? Pretty much the same. I know now that winning the FC Championship as a rookie was an incredible stroke of luck getting on that "Billoneys" team. I really have no illusions of winning that again. Of course I didn't have that expectation back two years ago either. The team draft is pure blind luck in my opinion. I just want to play ball with and against a lot great people. Just have a ball playing ball. I can honestly say I do look forward to this camp more than two years ago, due to the fact I know so much more about it going in. Knowing more people as well. Now truly being part of what I call the Reds FC Fraternity.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Just about 4 months 'til Camp

"I consider myself the luckiest man on the earth." Sorry Lou I couldn't resist. I do feel lucky going back to Camp in January. Two years ago, going to Camp was a "bucket list" thing. A 50th birthday present deal. Now it's just icing on the proverbial cake. To my wife Karen's endless lament, she is convinced I will be going back more than this. Perhaps AFTER ALL COLLEGE TUITION AND EVERYTHING ELSE ASSOCIATED WITH OUR 2 DAUGHTER'S HIGHER EDUCATION NEEDS ARE FULFILLED! I could be going back.

BUT Being part of the camp "family" has meant a lot to me. I've made great friends.
My fellow '14 rookie Jeff  Reiss
My bud HOFer  Ron Beck telling me about "The Catch"

Satch and Cookies!

I've been playing baseball ever since. This has been truly a fantastic part of it. Playing on Steve Ritchie and Rob Matheny's Dragons this past two seasons has me feel like a kid every time I "suit up". It was one thing to go to Goodyear and experience the camp for a fantastic week, but to play ball all summer long with a lot of same camp guys, has been like mini reunions every time we play. It's been great.
I can be always part of it. Back in May the Reds put together a hand full of reunion games for players from this year's camp (Which I didn't attend.) and any previous ones. The Red's youth academy was a great place to play at. I took full advantage of the opportunity. I hope the Reds will continue to do this. 

Anyway obviously I'm looking forward to January DUH!
More to Come!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Going Back in 2016!

I've told everyone  I'd do it again. Today I've signed up for 2016 Reds Fantasy Camp! I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends in Goodyear once again! A lot more to follow!