At this point two years ago I started attending the batting practice sessions at Miami Lakes and elsewhere. That is where/when I met some of the guys that would become good friends. The main reason those sessions were being held (besides the obvious baseball activity) was for us rookies to meet some of the Camp veterans and follow rookies before the actual camp, so as not to feel like a complete stranger by the time Camp rolled around. This was definitely achieved by me. I've guesstimated by the time we arrived in Arizona I met 25 to 30 Campers. That was pretty nice going into it. Also we rookies were told many stories about previous camps and what to expect going in. So my expectations were fairly high. So as you read in my previous posts, those expectations were greatly exceeded at the '14 Camp. So what do I expect at the 2016 camp? Pretty much the same. I know now that winning the FC Championship as a rookie was an incredible stroke of luck getting on that "Billoneys" team. I really have no illusions of winning that again. Of course I didn't have that expectation back two years ago either. The team draft is pure blind luck in my opinion. I just want to play ball with and against a lot great people. Just have a ball playing ball. I can honestly say I do look forward to this camp more than two years ago, due to the fact I know so much more about it going in. Knowing more people as well. Now truly being part of what I call the Reds FC Fraternity.