Monday, February 10, 2014

Camp Reflections Part 1

     I knew it  was going to be a fun week when Tom Browning said after the Welcome Dinner that we all would be so sore by the end of the week we wouldn't be able to wipe our own ass! He was so cool to hang with. (as with all the pros).
     I want to thank everyone for the positive feedback from doing this blog. It's been really fun doing it.
It's a way to have a online scrapbook of the whole experience. My folks back home were the primary reason for doing it by the way.
     I had a nice breakfast on that first Saturday morning with Tim Farmer. Another veteran who reached out to this rookie. Tim you are a class act. Thanks my man.
     I did have a small scare on Day 1 (Sunday morning) when for about 10 minutes when getting into the clubhouse I couldn't find my locker. It was tucked back into one of the corners. I must have of passed it by about 5 times before finding it. But once I did find it and seeing my name across the back of my jersey......that is an awesome feeling!  A ton more to follow......

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